Monday, June 30, 2014

2014 Skills Nationals

From June 23rd to the 28th, four DATA students and DI teacher/SkillsUSA advisor Matt Cauthron attended the 50th SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference in Kansas City, MO with more then 6,000 other members from across the U.S. (including Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska).

Although they did not get on the winners podium this year, everyone learned a great deal, put forth their best effort, and are looking forward to being leaders and preparing for the 2014-15 season! Here is how they ranked amongst the rest of the United States

Audio / Radio Production
11th out of 18 Teams

Screen Printing Technology
15th out of 20 Individuals

Graphic Communications
20th out of 22 Individuals

The 50th anniversary strikes the end of the NLSC being held in downtown Kansas City.  The next 5 will be take place Louisville, Kentucky and should provide for an all new experience. 

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