Friday, April 19, 2013

Earning California Gold at SkillsUSA

53 students and four DATA teachers had an amazing experience at the 46th Annual State Leadership Conference and SkillsUSA Championships, April 4th-7th, at the Town and Country Resort down in San Diego. 

18 students received medals in 10 out the 15 skill and leadership competition areas entered. Four golds were earned with the opportunity to compete at the 49th Annual National Leadership and Skills Conference in Kansas City this June against other students from around the U.S.

6 students will be representing Cathedral City and the State of California in Screen Printing Technology, Audio/Radio Production, and Promotional Bulletin Board. DATA also earned gold in Graphic Communications and had four students who donated their time as Courtesy Core volunteers.

Congratulations to the follow students!

Screen Printing Technology
Gold - Paul Acevedo
After 5 years in the States!

Audio / Radio Production (Team)
Gold - Sebastian Gomez and Alan Anguiano
1st Place as freshmen

Graphic Communications
Gold - Sebastian Vasquez
Returned as a junior to take 1st!

Promotional Bulletin Board (Team)
Gold - Crystal Zacarias, Mariah Wells, Tammy Melendez
Simple designs make a difference!

Career Pathway Showcase - Art, Technology, Communications (Team)
Silver - Jessica Gallardo, Melissa Munoz, Jazmin Simon
They were completely surrounded by the enemy

Chapter Display (Team)
Silver - Kaylin Murphy, Melissa Munoz, Jazmin Simon
PDP test broke the tie
Silver - Antonio Arce
Our bravest freshman yet!

Broadcast News Production (Team)
Silver - Kaylin Murphy, Sara Lopez, Taylor Burns, Linda Ha
Missed Gold by .4%!

Digital Cinema Production (Team)
Bronze - Jonathan Serna, Isreal Chavez
Waited 12 hours after finishing to see the judges

Prepared Speech
Bronze - Moises Murillo

Courtesy Core Volunteers
Jeanette Segoviano, Geraldine Morataya, Kenia Meza, and Maria Gonzalez
SkillsUSA CA wouldn't have gone on w/out ya!

View State photos here!
or visit for more information

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