Thursday, April 19, 2012

2012 SkillsUSA California

Thirty-two DATA students had an amazing experience at the 45th Annual State Leadership Conference and SkillsUSA Championships, April 12th-15th at the Town and Country Resort down in San Diego. They took home a total of 16 medals in 8 of the 11 competition areas they entered, with seven students earning gold and the opportunity to compete at the 48th annual National Leadership and Skills Conference in Kansas City, Mo. in June.

Congratulations to the following skilled and motivated DATA medal winners!

3D Visualization and Animation
Bronze Team - Radu Vasilie and Daniel Rivera
just completing the assignment was a challenge in 6 hours

Silver - Dennis Keat
Bronze - Kimberlyn Gonzalez
 we occupied 5 of the top 9 spots out of 30

Graphic Communications
Silver - Sebastian Vasquez
missing a tie for gold by 1.5% as a sophomore against a room full of seniors

Chapter Display
Gold Team - Jesus Galarza, Dennis Keat, Kim Vega
Silver Team - Melissa Munoz, Mariah Wells, Kaylin Murphy
the competition didn't stand a chance

Job Skill Demonstration Open
Silver - Ayrton Carazco
an excellent one man show presentation

Broadcast News Production
Gold Team - Linda Ha, Kaylin Murphy, Sydney Siva, Donielle Gerrell
  they overcame technical difficulties, rain, and hail and pulled gold with two iPhones

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