Wednesday, May 28, 2014

2014 Golden Lions

Congratulations to the following DATA students for receiving Cathedral City High School Golden Lion awards!

Jason Bullen - Digital Arts
Melissa Medina - CSF, Social Science, Mathematics, and Digital Arts
Sara Lopez - CSF, English, Science, and The Golden Lion
Jarelle Balanzat - Social Sciences
Zaira Garcia - Digital Arts
Jonathan Serna (not pictured) - Digital Arts

Thursday, May 8, 2014


The 2014 DigiCom Film Festival was an amazing success! Schools from throughout PSUSD were represented in celebration of digital storytelling through critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. The Digital Arts Technology Academy made a return with 17 student films from DATA Digital Storytelling in addition to the DATA DI + Rio Vista Elementary collaboration, On My Way

DATA sincerly appreciates DigiCom and NBC Universal for supporting the talent of its students with nearly $18,000 this year!

DATA-SkillsUSA $4,500
The DI + Rio Vista Collaboration $2,000
and individual student awards
Jarelle Balanzat (UCLA) $2,500
Sara Lopez (UC Berkeley) $2,500
Melissa Medina (UC Santa Barbara) $2,500
Clarissa Cisneros (CSU Dominguez Hills) $1,500
Genevieve Knight (CSU San Bernardino) $1,000
Gabrielle Knight (CSU San Bernardino) $1,000

Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Mentor Lost

The DATA program will truly miss one of it's most amazing community partners and mentors, Chas Allen.

Chas was the co-owner of Photo Colorgraphix, a career photographer, large-scale printing specialist, and aficionado of chilis from Hatch, New Mexico. He originally connected with the DI program during the Earth Through a Lens environmental photography series and hosted many visits to his shop in Palm Desert providing excellent hands-on learning experiences to students preparing for SkillsUSA. In 2013, he joined the DATA mentoring program and had a strong impact on his four student mentees.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Now Showing @ UCR

DATA Digital Imaging is very pleased to announce that six student photographs will be on display at the University of California, Riverside - Palm Desert campus. The images will be shown as part of a collection of PSUSD high school works from April 28th through June 6th and will be up during the Pathways to Success college scholarship awards night.

Congratulations to 
Norma Vazquez (Sophomore)
Melissa Guevara
Sara Lopez
Jonathan Serna
Jasmine Acevedo
Austyn Moreno